Soulmates & Twinflames

VENUS RETROGRADE: How it will affect Soulmates & Twin flame Connections

Venus retrograde will have a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames. Venus retrogradeBegins 7/22 and ends on 9/3. 

Venus retrograde will have a deep impact on Soulmates and Twin flames.Venus retrogradeBegins 7/22 and ends on 9/3. 

These energetic influences have a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of Leo. 

Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling its effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior). Similar to Mercury going retrograde. 

Along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have Venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra). Also with business where Venus is about relationships.You will find second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions. Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. 

You will find yourself in a vicious cycle.Wanting to seal labels and lock in a relationship. By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship. Love and romance is heightened.

Commitments: Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during the retrograde as things can become very difficult. Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship.As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire when it comes to love. 

You may regret saying certain things to your partner. For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during retrograde. It is even stronger.It’s highly recommended to take any relationship at a slow pace. Not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety. Past relationships returning.

This is something that also happens during retrograde. Just be aware that it may just heighten energy with love. Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way. Bring up nostalgia for past situations. Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger.

Twin flame Collective. It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the retrograde is completed.Amplifies emotional energy. Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. 

There will be flare ups even with people who are close to you. During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time.As we are all going through a difficult time coping with these times. 

The Holidays are a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones. Especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy. Even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while.Retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. It can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business.

When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future. Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings. It amplifies energies with bigger savings. For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future.

The Venus Retrograde can influence your weight. Yes, be careful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight. But with the retrograde, you can start craving sugar and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats.

Venus retrograde has a deep influences and a deep impact on love relationships (especially Soulmates and Twin flames). It is under the sign of Leo

Creating a deep impact and heightened energies with love. Your emotions may be off the charts. You may already be feeling its effect in pre-shadow (2 weeks prior). Similar to Mercury going retrograde. 

Along with business where Venus is about love relationships. More intense if you have Venus in your astrology chart (Taurus and Libra). Also with business where Venus is about relationships.You will find second-guessing your relationship, or find yourself checking social media and coming to conclusions. Be very cautious, as things are not what they seem on the surface. 

You will find yourself in a vicious cycle.Wanting to seal labels and lock in a relationship. By making things official, this can also lead to arguments and disagreements. Never trying to get closure or clarity on your relationship. Love and romance is heightened.

Be advised, avoid getting engaged or even get married during the retrograde as things can become very difficult. Also the same goes for breaking up or taking a break from a relationship.As words can get lost and the energy can go haywire when it comes to love. 

You may regret saying certain things to your partner. For Twin flames meeting up for the first time or coming into the divine union during retrograde. It is even stronger.

It’s highly recommended to take any relationship at a slow pace. Not jumping into anything deep or committed as it may create challenges and anxiety. Past relationships returning.

This is something that also happens during retrograde. Just be aware that it may just heighten energy with love. Just keep in mind the dates and take it slow, it might just be a one time fling coming back and as easier comes back, it will leave the same way. Bring up nostalgia for past situations. Also if you have these astrological signs Taurus and Libra in your chart, you will feel it even stronger.

Twin flame Collective. It makes it very difficult to find peace when you are with your divine counterpart. Remain positive and spiritual during this time and avoid any deep confrontation and discussions until the retrograde is completed.

Amplified emotional energy.

Be very careful with your choice of words if you become agitated from your divine partner or any type of relationship for that matter. 

There will be flare ups even with people who are close to you. During the retrograde, love is amplified to a higher level with the retrograde; the best thing is to be aware and take control of your actions during this time.As we are all going through a difficult time coping with these times. 

The Holidays are a good time to reach out and communicate with loved ones. Especially during the retrograde. It helps bring uplifted emotional energy. Even if it is a person that you have not spoken to in a while.Retrograde also represents finances. As everybody is going through challenges. It can actually accelerate an all-new beginning when it comes to business.

When things break apart, something new will begin. It’s a good time to rearrange and find a new strategic plan for the future. Starting over again doesn’t mean going from scratch but when you put together small savings. It amplifies energies with bigger savings. For example, starting with a small amount to ignite the energy for larger amounts in the future.

The Venus Retrograde can influence your weight.

Yes, be careful during those Holiday parties! It’s really easy to gain weight. But with the retrograde, you can start craving sugar and sweets more than ever before. So try to keep things under control when it comes to sweet treats.

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